In Rome Arminius was taught everything to know about Roman culture, and he received top Roman education, before being assigned to the army.

" Divide et Imperia", divide and conquer. It was very much in the spirit of Roman foreign policy to subsequently use such persons as pro-Roman chess pieces who would toe the Roman line. They were placed in Roman society commensurate with their social ranking, and they often succumbed to the influence of Rome. It was customary to secure several persons of the highest possible birth or rank, in order to create an effective means of coercion. The taking of hostages was a norm for Rome as this was usually the first step toward formal dominance by Rome.

Though they did not succeed in that task, they successfully secure hostages, including Arminius and his brother. The first Roman incursions into Germania proper began in 16 b.c., and by Arminius's teens they had already entered into conflict with his father's tribe, prompting the Romans to deem them anti-social and attempt to re-settle them. Life for the German tribes was never peaceful, due to the mass amount of inter-tribal warfare, but a new player would soon arrive on the scene, one who would shatter the old order. His dad would have also taught him in leadership, and he likely had an early grasp for tactics. The exact details of his early life are unknown, but as the son of a Cheif he was likely to have had a high status in the tribe, and as the son of a war chief he would have undoubtedly would have had hunting and significant weapon experience. The man who would later become Rome's greatest foe was born in 17 b.c., to a German War Chief named Segimerus. Arminius, upon finding out that his wife was captured. If you prefer your fatherland, your ancestors, your ancient life to tyrants and to new colonies, follow as your leader Arminius to glory and to freedom rather than Segestes to ignominious servitude." Other nations in their ignorance of Roman rule, have no experience of punishments, know nothing of tributes, and, as we have shaken them off, as the great Augustus, ranked among dieties, and his chosen heir Tiberius, departed from us, baffled, let us not quail before an inexperienced stripling, before a mutinous army. Let Segestes dwell on the conquered bank let him restore to his son his priestly office one thing there is which Germans will never thoroughly excuse, their having seen between the Elbe and the Rhine the Roman rods, axes, and toga. There are still to be seen in the groves of Germany the Roman standards which I hung up to our country's gods.

Not by treachery, not against pregnant women, but openly against armed men do I wage war. Before me, three legions, three commanders have fallen. "Noble the father,mighty the general, brave the army which, with such strength, has carried off one weak woman. The inscription underneath the statue reads " German Unity is my Strength- My Strength is Germany's Might" ( Music was hand composed by one of my most dedicated sources, the modding website Europa Barbarorum).īuilt in 1841, this statue commemorates the man who was one of the first to conceive of a German Nation, and whose victories made Germany possible.